Where can I find more about XML?
XML Applications:
W3C - latest
Robin Cover's
Simon North's
XML Software.com
IBM's XML reference
Sun's JAVA Project X
Web Review's
Norbert's XML Parser -
Microsoft support for XML -
XML White paper June 23, 2016 reproduced here
- Internet Client SDK
-"Push" see section below
XML Press Release
XML, its APIs, SDKs, DTDs, CDF, and MetaData
Where can I find more information?
Benoît Marchal's
Document Object Model
Mailing List(s)
Mailing list devoted to issues of XML: To subscribe to the list, called
XML-DEV, send an Email message to [email protected] with the line
subscribe xml-dev name@address
(where name@address is your actual email address) in the body of the
message. To send a message to the mail list, address messages to