Key Note Presentation.
Tokyo, Japan,
XML Conference, '98
Sponsored by Toshiba.
This is the download menu for the XML/EDI Tokyo key note presentation. The presentation is essentially a condensed precise of the ACM Fall '98 lectures.
You will need approximately 4 Megabytes of total free disk space to download and expand the presentation.
This presentation is in Microsoft Powerpoint format. You must have Office 97 or 98 Powerpoint or equivalent.
To unpack the files you will need a PKZIP compatible expander utility (see
Copyright © October, 1998, David RR Webber and The XML/EDI Group. All rights reserved.
This presentation that can be downloaded here may not be reproduced or distributed, nor used for any commercial purpose, in part or in whole, without consent and prior approval.
File Name: | File Size |
Description: | | 1.70 Megabytes | Key Note Presentation |
1 | "Double click" on the downloaded file to open in PKUNZIP utility and expand. | Unpack the presentation in your local presentations sub-directory |
2 | "Double click" on the downloaded Japan98b.ppt to open in Microsoft PowerPoint. | Run the presentation, select 'View/Slideshow'. |
3 |
To download the updated PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft. |
If you do not have Office 97 installed on your PC download the latest viewer from Microsoft: |
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