XML/EDI Group's Charter
The Mission
The Philosophy
XML/EDI as a business tool will reach a very large audience. Our aim is to provide the means to assist these audiences to the best of the abilities and resources that are placed at our disposal.
Membership is open to individuals or organizations that support the mission and goals of the group. There is no charge for membership, and there are no restrictions on membership other than to support the XML/EDI Group's mission.
Membership is focused around participation in the Internet based conferences and E-Mail mail server lists and/or local user groups, and also from simply occasional contributions to group projects, surveys, focus group efforts, and whatever meetings and conferences the group may organize or collaborate in.
Who We Are.
The XML/EDI Group was founded in July 1997 in response to President Clinton's call for industries' support in dealing with Internet-based commerce issues, and the emergence in time and space of pivotal technologies that allowed this to be realized through the fusion of XML and EDI.
We are an ad hoc group of professionals and volunteers in various industries dedicated to promoting and guiding the future of XML/EDI standards and products by donating their time and energy.
XML/EDI Group's Focus.
The Group's technical focus is with the underlying base technology of incorporating XML with E-business to support the numerous vertical markets.
Associated with this is a goal to establish standards for commercial electronic data interchange that are open and accessible to all, and that delivers a broad spectrum of capabilities suitable to meet the full breadth of business needs. The E-business solution spans activities such as marketing, contract exchange, logistics support, workflow, settlement and interaction with administrative bodies (e.g. tax and custom data interchange) and covers all industrial and service operations, including services such as insurance, healthcare, travel and interactive home shopping.
What Currently do we do?
About a third of our collective time is spent educating people, getting everyone up to speed with the technology. Once up to speed these new members bring others along to expand the knowledge base. We do this through speaking at engagements, writing white papers, responding to E-Mail, and working with the Computing Press.
We provide forums for the group via Web pages, list servers and also recently expanding our efforts to include Focus Groups.
In addition, we help organizations predict the future, by defining it. For a corporation, government agency or other entity, one of the nightmares in this high moving area of E-business is controlling the process of technology adoption, instead of being reactive to external technology pressures.
In releasing for public comment the Group's "Guidelines for using XML for Electronic Data Interchange" and submitting it to the various applicable standards organizations we are delivering on this challenge.
Copyright ©, November, 1997. XML/EDI Group All rights reserved, no part of this document may be commercially reproduced in part or in whole without consent and prior approval.
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